Blended Families: What Does this mean anyway

A blended family:

A family consisting of a couple and their children from this and all previous relationships. ~Merriam-Webster

A One Parent Adoptee's Perspective

Blended families are complicated. For instance, those of us meeting our biological parent(s) later in life, find ourselves adapting to several family situations all at once.

In my case, my mother's new husband adopted me. BOOM, blended family. A few years later my brother was born which increased the blend. We grew up not knowing we were half-siblings until later into our adulthood yet our bond is unbreakable.

When I met my biological father, I suddenly acquired another stepmother, 2 more half brothers, and a half-sister.

Through the years there have been marriages, divorces,  remarriages, and unfortunately death. The dynamics of a blended family are ever-changing. I have been woven into more lives as a result of a few different unions. Your life becomes a constant state of adjustment or at least mine did.

An aspect of my blended family.
An aspect of my blended family. 

My blended situation over time:

  • Living biological mother and father

  • One adoptive father

  • 3 stepmothers (2 current, 1 deceased, and 1 divorcee)

  • 3 half brothers; 1 half-sister; 1 step-sister; and 1 stepbrother

What does your family blend look like? 


Frances Stanfield

One Georgia peach boasting an ordinary day in a not so ordinary life. Sharing personal experiences with alopecia, aging, family & all things frugal.


Green With Envy


Meeting My Biological Father: Joined by the Blood