Hearing Aids Have Special Super Powers

My Hearing Aids Are My Superman Glasses

 The question came up recently that if I were forced to give up one sense, but gain super-sensitivity in another, which senses would I choose?  I cannot imagine that anyone wants to be deprived of hearing, seeing, tasting, touching or talking. Needless to say, the topic was tough to think about.

As life happens, during my thirties, a determination was made at one of my physicals that I couldn't hear a thing. I wondered how it was that I hadn't realized it. The reality was my family was very aware of how loud the TV needed to be and how they constantly repeated themselves. After a few years in denial, I figured out that I was the one that had a deficiency and not the world around me. I've had hearing aids now for a number of years and really, it's okay. I consider them my super power and I'm not sure how I lived without it.

So, back to my initial question. What senses would I give up to receive super-sensitivity in another? I think maybe I would give up my ability to taste in exchange for bionic ears. What about you? 


Frances Stanfield

One Georgia peach boasting an ordinary day in a not so ordinary life. Sharing personal experiences with alopecia, aging, family & all things frugal.


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