There's Something About A Clothes Addict

Clothes ABSOLUTELY Are Important To Me - #MondayMusings

My clothes fetish, to a degree, is hereditary. My mother was always on point from her head to her toe nails. Growing up, I wasn't privy to such style or I don't remember being all dolled up so I'm sticking with hereditary. Later on, as an adult first married and tryna to make ends get close, I was that one in the office that had one pair of dress shoes, one or two dresses, a pair or two of jeans and some tops. You saw them every week rotated out and worn to death. Clothes weren't a priority at that stage of life.

Dressing Like A Boss

Even though I work in an environment where a dress code is a thing left back in the 90s, I do my best to make certain I enter the workplace with all strings trimmed and not a lipstick mark outside the lip line. If anyone asks where I’m going I just smile and respond, “chile, just dressing for success in hopes it might happen one day”.

 My Clothes Dictates My Attitude

Sunday Clothes
Sunday Clothes

I love me some black. It’s not a color of mourning; instead, that of POWER to the highest degree. Don't forget the black patent leather shoes style, that carryover from childhood. I think they call them Mary Janes. There’s a reason why you wore those precious shoes with the lace fold down bobby socks on Sunday. Grandma was getting you ready to be the boss. At least my sweet grandmother was and she didn’t know it. Oh and yes ma’am. Can’t end without some old school flow. Styling and profiling made it’s way into the R&B scene and oooo weeeee, it was this song though…..

Men All Pause! I know I was lookin' good. I had my Kenneth Cole shoes on. My Gianni Versace blue leather suit. My nails were done and my hair was fierce. And, I was riding in a Cooper's limousine ~Klymaxx

Dialing up lyrics like that, you can’t help but throw your head back and let the wind blow through that long hair don’t care screaming, “how you like me now!”.

What’s your style? Do you occupy three closets; two dressers; and shoe racks stacked ten feet tall like me or do you keep a modest stash? 


Frances Stanfield

One Georgia peach boasting an ordinary day in a not so ordinary life. Sharing personal experiences with alopecia, aging, family & all things frugal.


The Most Frightening Election Year Ever


The Not So Joy Of Cooking #MondayMusings