Frantastically Fran.
Another day in a not so ordinary life.
In short, I am a graduate of Shorter University, currently employed with Emory University, married for over 3 decades and have one fantastic daughter.
I like to think of myself as one of the many Georgia Peaches gracing HotLanta. One day I suddenly turned 50 and realized that I have many things to talk about that might resonate with the masses. Each of us are unique and just as I have learned from others, I hope to impress upon you parts of my life that will be teachable moments for you.
My plan for this blog is merely to be a tool for me to organize my thoughts, a memoir of sorts.
As with most folks, I have baggage. Overcoming the agony of hair loss (Alopecia); surviving as a teen runaway; nurturing a marriage for over 35 years; raising a daughter; meeting my biological father at age 46; becoming a grandmother to a prince; and of course, my ride as I journey through the aging process. Weaved in are things I’ve learned through my journeys that may inspire Ah Ha moments for you. Some new nuggets and some not so new.
This blog and my life are a constant works in progress. But then, that’s why I’m so Frantastically Fran!!!
Follow me as I enter “Another Ordinary Day in a Not so Ordinary Life”.
Frantastically Yours,