the BLOG
My name is Frances Stanfield and I live in the Atlanta Metropolitan area. In a nutshell I am a graduate of Shorter University, currently employed with Emory University, married for over three decades and have one fantastic daughter.
Embracing the Unconventional!
Celebrating 40 years of marriage this year has prompted me to reflect on the unconventional path that brought us together.

My 59th Birthday Blessings
I was brought up to respect my elders, so now I don't have to respect anybody.

On My Way To The Fountain Of Youth
I feel blessed to be regularly mistaken to be younger than my 50 something years old. The conversation at times goes on for at least 5 minutes or so.

True Confessions Of A Television Junkie
“When I was your age I knew how to listen to television and learn a few things.” ~ Lewis Nordan Television Is A Past Time Of Sorts - #MondayMusings If I were having coffee with you right now, I'd let you know that I woke up this morning realizing that that I'm...

My BIRTHDAY Ranked Up In Epic Proportions!
I can't believe it's already been another year of my living. Today is my birthday and I'm happy to have seen another 365 days. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! I'm doing my very best to live each day as though it were my last and as my tag line infers, to live "Another...

The Best of R&B In One Evening!
“Who Needs A Storyteller When There's R&B Music!" ~Frantastically Fran There's Nothing Like True Grown Folks Music - We Call It R&B. If I were having coffee with you right now, I would be marveling over the spectacular weekend I had. It's my birthday...

My Unique Memoir With The Perfect Name
It's hot in Dubai! “A memoir provides a record not so much of the memoirist as of the memoirist's world.” ~Arthur Golden What Shall This Memoir Be Named? - #MondayMusings It's been 31/2 years since I reintroduced myself as "Frantastically Fran". The other day I was...

Hearing Aids Have Special Super Powers
"Life Is So Much Clearer With Hearing Aids" ~Frantastically Fran My Hearing Aids Are My Superman Glasses The question came up recently that if I were forced to give up one sense, but gain super-sensitivity in another, which senses...

The Most Frightening Election Year Ever
“Free election of masters does not abolish the masters or the slaves.” ~Herbert Marcuse This Election Year Is Like None Other I thought I would never write anything on politics. It’s not a subject that I'm all that versed in nor is it a subject...

There's Something About A Clothes Addict
Fashion is a language that creates itself in clothes to interpret reality. ~Karl Lagerfeld[/tweet_box] Clothes ABSOLUTELY Are Important To Me - #MondayMusings My clothes fetish, to a degree, is hereditary. My mother was always (still is somewhat) on point...

The Not So Joy Of Cooking #MondayMusings
The only real stumbling block is the fear of failure. In cooking, you've got to have a what-the-hell attitude.” ~Julia Child Cooking Is Not My Friend Last night I went to bed thinking about the one household chore I hate. COOKING! The thought of...

Spring: A Time To Be Gracious And Beautiful
“Ever notice how baby shampoo smells like spring?” ~Toni Sorenson"
Born To Be a Courageous Little Wanderer
Indeed, I am nothing but a wanderer and a pilgrim on this earth! And what more are you? ― J.W. When I was a child I didn’t know that I was going to be a wanderer. I didn’t know that I was going to leave home...

The One Hair Question I Absolutely Hate!
I'm talking about the number 1 question about alopecia or hair loss I absolutely hate. Ranks up there with, "are you pregnant?" when you're not.

How Gardening Saved My Life
Springtime always bring back memories. It must be something about the flowers, warm weather and the overall change of seasons. At the start of spring I am reminded of a place of happiness and where I felt the safest as a child

Fitness: The Sure Thing I Can Control
Fitness is a critical component in my life. It's one of many things that I can control.

It's About Me: Amazingly Beautiful Naked!
It's about me, amazingly me re-introducing myself.