the BLOG
My name is Frances Stanfield and I live in the Atlanta Metropolitan area. In a nutshell I am a graduate of Shorter University, currently employed with Emory University, married for over three decades and have one fantastic daughter.

Throwback Thursday with R&B Flair
Thowback Thursday tribute to the late Henry Jackson, AKA Big Bank Hank and the SugarHill Gang featuring Rapper's Delight.

Simply Sunday and Apple Pie
I love apple pie but wouldn't dream of baking one had I not seen this "Easy Skillet Apple Pie" recipe. Keyword "EASY".

A Letter To My Dad
Dear Dad,
Life was not always a bowl of cherries. There were good times and bad. My life memories are a whole lot clearer today.

My life In 20 Memories: List Writing
My life told in 20 memories over 47 years. The truth about my mere existence as I see it and a conversation with my mother.

Should I Quit My Job? Yes
Nothing would please me more than to be able to quit my job right now.

Meeting My Half Siblings
Meeting my half-siblings was another item on my to-do list after meeting my biological father

Voyages Are Life's Little Idiosyncrasies
Voyage and life are synonymous. I use to joke about tough times by saying, "Honey, that was not a vacation, it was a freakin voyage.

Urban Life In Atlanta: Is There Another Way?
I speak a lot of my fair city Atlanta. I canโs imagine living in a place with less than a million people and in a town with one stoplight, one grocery store, one car dealership, one drugstore, and where the neighborhood doctor's office runs alongside the railroad tracks.

Riseup Atlanta
Football is like life - it requires perseverance, self-denial, hard work, sacrifice, dedication, and respect for authority.

Quitting Is An Option
I hate that word quitter but the funny thing is, I'm guilty of quitting and throwing in the towel several different times during my life.

Stepmothers are Moms Too: Blended Families
Biology is the least of what makes someone a mother.
What Is This Thing Called Karma?
Karma is a simple principle and one where seeds you sow have consequences.
Heaven, Hell & Hot Flashes! What's Your Religion?
I'm not an expert on the bible, in fact, I'm not sure of the last time I picked one up.

Blended Families: What Does this mean anyway
Blended families are way more complicated than you would think.